Thursday, March 26, 2009


....... or does it explode?

The answer, yes. I thought this was a great line to talk about, considering my attitude the last few weeks. I'm literally going to explode. If one more slob asks me for extra napkins, I'm going to explode. If one more person complains about their appetizer, I'm going to explode. If one more cheap-o leaves a crappy tip, I'm going to explode. I'm so jaded between school and work, and its really getting to me lately. Im having trouble finding any type of balance in my life,  and I feel as if I've taken on too much. I think the problem lately is work. Even though I only work four days a week, I feel as if my job and school literally suck the life out of me ( btw finally saw twilight and its my new goal to A. read all of the books or B. turn into a vampire by the end of this year). When I think about my situation, I get frustrated; I am constantly graded on schoolwork as well as my ability to hold a smile while simultanousley listening to rude people complain about the texture of their french fries. 
I can somewhat relate to Hues in the sense that I feel like my efforts between school and work are getting me nowhere. I am currently a community college student who waitresses to pay her bills and go to school......... I feel like its never going to end..... and Edward Cullen doesn't know I exist :( 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I wrote this poem to describe my feelings about poetry. 

You are the unidentified source;
The "Deep throat" of the Watergate Scandal.
You have all the answers, 
But are unwilling to tell.
You possess hidden meanings and thoughts 
I have to examen you under a microscope for enlightenment. 
Would it kill you to share a little more, 
Be a little less shy and a little more open? 
You are a great deal on paper,
But not practical in real life. 
Just say what you want to say.
Explain yourself. 
I just don't have enough time in the day 
to fall victim to your mysterious way. 

Take that Emily Dickinson,