Tuesday, April 14, 2009


In light of the discussion today, I decided to create my own ending to the Fences. Here is what would have made this play great...

Cory gets so mad at Troy for crushing his chances to earn a scholarship for college that he throws a football directly at Troy's face. The force of the throw of the football breaks his nose causing him to have severe nasal problems for the rest of his life. (Can you say Marsha Marsha Marsha?) After discovering that Troy was Whoring around, Rose skips town for a weekend to take a much deserved vacation. She then returns back to the house and begins to date a significantly younger man (Can you say cougar?) On the day of is "daughter's" birth, Troy finds out that he is not the father of Alberta's baby. (Can you say clusterfu*k?)Gabe eventually makes it big in the fruit selling business and earns millions through street hustling.

Wilson is rolling in his grave... (I'm pretty sure he is deceased),