Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Miss Brill

To be completely honest, I was dreading the class discussion today for the simple reason that the stories that were assigned for homework literally put me to sleep; especially Miss Brill. When I was reading the story, I literally wanted to rip my eyes out of my head because it reminded me of my junior year of high school when I attempted to read the scarlet letter. Maybe I was just tired, but I simply could not get through it. Some parts of the story were unnecessary descriptive, an entire paragraph of adjectives is not required to explain what one object looks like.... YUCK! Plus, I just didn't get it; and that's extremely frustrating
As it turns out, I was really glad that we had time to talk about Miss Brill at the end of class (to be honest I was hoping that we wouldn't have time to talk about it today) because one of the final comments made about the children who made fun of her completely hit home, sort of. I have a unique relationship with my crazy family in the sense that all of us make fun of each other. Its second nature , for example, for me to tell my sister that she is adopted. I tell my mom that I love triscuts more than her with the same ease that I have telling someone my name. This "making fun" is never taken seriously of course. The same goes with my best Friends. I get made fun of everything I do.  I can relate to Miss Brill when she goes back to her home and sulks; kind of. Although my friends and I pick on each other, we are never serious.
I could never wear a fox around my neck,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Another semester of my favorite sign offs. ::grin::