Monday, December 1, 2008

cheater cheater pumpkin eater

I can honestly never sit here and say that I've cheated, its just not my thing. First of all, I'm too much of a spaz. There is no way in Hades that I would have the amount of coordination to successfully look down at answers written on my sleeve/shoe all while trying to hide from my teacher and take a test at the same time. I'm too much of a worry wort. The simple thought of getting caught and being called out for cheating my a teacher seriously makes me never even want to try, I would be too embarrassed. As for plagiarizing papers, DUH. Every college student has been to high school. Everyone knows that high school is just a vehicle that students use to learn how to become a professional bullshi**er. It is ten times easier to write a crappy paper than it is to copy one. Its a loose loose situation either way.
Even though I would never have the Ba**s to plagiarize, I could understand why some students would. Some kids, at least from what I've seen are put under an immense amount of pressure to succeed, not only succeed but be the best at everything. They could be working full time and doing school, all while trying to make time for themselves and others. I look at their situations and feel sympathy.... for a second. REVELATION: Yes, i feel bad for these people but then i remember that I work five to six days a week and am a full time student .....with friends! So I take that back. No excuse suckers.. plagiarizing is stupid.
Some people cheat, or even accuse others of cheating, in order to get ahead in life. In high school, for instance, there was this person who accused another person of cheating in order to try and move up in class rank. (I'm not going to use names in order to avoid mean facebook comments). The accuser had no basis for accusing; everyone knew that the accuser was a total B.S er anyway, but still found it necessary to accuse to get ahead. The accused was not cheating, the accuser was not even in the same class as the accused. This semi-cheating story shes light on an unfortunate truth, some students cheat because they are lazy, others cheat their way to the top because they don't have anything else to work for.
Another reason as to why cheating is just not for me; I hate pumpkin pie,

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