Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Faker Faker

When I get sick, people compare me to Goob from the Meet The Robinsons. No, not the older creepy Goob, the pale, stuffy, and abnormally sleepy kid. When I get sick, I am sick for an indefinite length of time. During my junior year of high school, I was sick with the flu for about a month. Needless to say, I was completely in need of a day off. To be completely honest, the last legitimate sick day that I took was during that time period during my junior year when I contracted the never ending bird flu of a cold that I had. Naturally, I still took off after my sickness ended and the plague passed.
At times, I am really good at being a lazy piece. By the time my senior year ended, I had made a career out of taking days off of school. I centered my mentality around the simple fact that the school allowed every student to miss eighteen days of school without penalties. Seriously, why would I not use as many "sick days" as I was allotted? In the years prior to my senior year, and prior to my catching senioriuts, I mainly took off school in order to complete the massive amount of homework that I did not finish the night before. Sometimes I would honestly not have enough time in the day to finish my homework; other times I would just be a lazy piece. My mom only allowed this to occur on rare occasions.
Once senior year rolled around, my senioritus kicked into full gear and I perfected the art of being a lazy piece somewhere around mid November. I took as many days off school as I possibly could. Sometimes I stayed home ( or went in late) for no reason at all. Sometimes i would honestly have to finish homework from the night before. I had a perfect system; but all good things must come to an end.
Every two weeks, my AP English teacher, hands down the best high school teacher that I ever had, would give up vocab tests made from dictionary.com. We were required to memorize the spelling of the word and the sentence where the word was used. No word bank. This was a pass or fail kind of thing. I wake up early on one of those days realizing that I did not study the night before. My excuse? Lazy Piece. I convinced my mom to let me to go school late and strolled in with about five minutes left remaining in my English period. DUH. My Englisher teacher winds up giving me the test that I did not prepare for. This was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. After class ended, my paper was still blank so I had no choice but to tell my teacher the truth. Luckily, I was allowed to make up the test the next day, with minor points taken off.
Needless to say, I made sure I studied for the vocab tests from that day on.
Still Experiencing a Nervous Breakdown Remembering That Day
P.S I am not a lazy piece anymore

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