Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Overwhelmed

Yes, ill be the fist person to admit that I am a bit overwhelmed. The slightest mishaps or wrong answers tend to raise my stress level, especially when school or homework is involved.
I never used to be like this. I can vividly remember putting my awesome study habits to practice during my freshmen year of high school. I was always on time, homework was finished early, and I even had free time to enjoy the occasional sitcom on television. Yes, i still watch television now, but the experience is not as enjoyable compared to previous years. I recently sat back and tried to pinpoint the source of my sometimes sloppy and unorganized behavior and came up with a few stressful benefactors.
For starters, the experience of applying to college threw me over the edge. I realized that ever since the pressures of the application process sunk deep within my soul, dramatic but true, I have always felt the need to prove myself in school. I have always been a good student, but the college application daemon put me into overdrive. Also, school was increasing in difficulty at the time and I often became discouraged when I was unable to understand any type of course material. Senioritis, yes a real disease, also began to kick in around the same time frame and pushed homework further down on the priority list as well ( right beneath laundry and cleaning my room). A combination of feelings of discouragement and pure laziness made me stress even more about school, but not enough to where I was going to change my semi-lazy senior ways.
My work ethic exponentially increased as graduation came and went, but school still and will always stress me out to the point of pure insanity. Like today for example, as soon as I started having difficulties finding bacteria on a slide in biology lab, I was convinced that I was headed for undeniable destruction. When my statistics homework became confusing, I convinced myself, probably for an entire minute of two, that I was going to fail. Why am a such a spaz? I know that the apocalypse is not going to occur if I get a question wrong. Well, of to do homework.
Relaxingly yours,

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