Monday, September 15, 2008

Fun With Writing

After I saw the movie 13 Going on 30, I knew that one day I wanted to write for a magazine. I can distinctly remember watching the scene where Jennifer Garner, now Jennifer Garner Affleck?,wakes up and realizes that she achieved her goal of becoming the editor of Poise magazine. I watched this scene with feelings of envy and often asked myself ; Why can't that be me? My dream started to become a reality last year, when I was named editor-in-chief of the Rampage, Southern Regional High School's newspaper.
  Writing and editing for the Rampage provided me with a deep sense of fulfillment and entertainment throughout the entire school year. Each issue contained both interesting and wonderful content as well as an immense amount of effort put forth by the students of the journalism class. Whenever memories of writing for the Rampage pop into my head, one distinct piece of work clearly towers above the rest. 
During the first few weeks of the holiday season, I was assigned to write my first Letter from the Editor. I had been dreaming of this assignment for weeks, but was instantly struck with fear and terror when I began to experience a slight case of writer's block. I had a massive amount of opinions and an endless amount of thoughts, but was unable to translate anything into words. The experience was similar to that of being locked in a cage. I felt as if I was about to disappoint the entire newspaper staff. One glorious day changed my entire attitude. I walked into class, sat down at a computer, and began to type. The flood gates opened and I began to produce a letter that stressed the importance of accepting all holiday traditions  in school compared to not accepting any holiday traditions at all.
I enjoyed this assignment because the letter was the first major article that I produced in the Rampage. I  also enjoyed the aftermath of the letter because my idea and opinion was able to spark conversation among my peers. I also loved the power of being able to italicize a select amount of words in order to empathise certain points. 

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