Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wishing I Didn't Have to Sleep.......

I feel as if one of the drawbacks of going to OCC is that I am still building my resume. Yes, everyone is still building their resumes, but I still have to build my "getting accepted to a four year school" resume. I find this one of the most frustrating things that I have ever gone through. My original "high school resume" was in fact pretty bad ass (not to toot my own horn). I participated in sports, was a part of National Honor Society, and had a 4.0 GPA. Yes, applying to college the first time made me feel like a horrible lazy student, but a lest I was participating in something. When I apply to college next year ,the sound of that is already stressing me out, I'm pretty much doomed. If I felt like I didn't have enough on my high school resume before, I almost vomit thinking about how I'm going to feel next year! I want to get into a competitive four year school, but I am completely lacking in the extra curricular activities. Prior to stating school this year, my goal was to join the school newspaper and engulf myself in a great community service project. I still want to do all of these things, but I'm quickly discovering that there is just not enough time in the day. 
Besides going to school five days a week, I work five days a week as well. I already missed the news paper meeting because I had to work, and I am afraid that if i do join, I will not be able to put all of my efforts into the paper as I would like to. The same thing applies with community service. I wanted to join the Water Watch program, but after two phone calls, I was unable to make any of the meetings :(. UGH !!! Sometimes I feel like if I was at a four year school, things like this would not stress me out and I would be getting a jump start on my "getting a job" resume. One of my best friends Amanda for example is attending Penn State and her "getting a job resume" is off to a great start. Not only is she majoring in Biology at one of the greatest schools ever, she is an active member of the Harry Potter club, and assists special needs children in therapeutic horse back riding sessions every week. WOW.  I want to begin building my "getting a job" resume but applying to college again is making the process extremely stressful. 
Don't get me wrong, I am still going to e-mail the newspaper staff and try to attend the Water Watch program on Monday. I just hope that If I am able to join these programs, I will be available to attend all of the meetings. I also want to look into getting involved in a  local community service program or paper if I cant devote myself to the ones at school.  Any advice? 
Hoping to become fluent in a dead language and find a cure for cancer in the next two years while maintaining a 4.0 and working full time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd go to the advising center and ask them for some literature on internships and such. They have whole books dedicated to jobs and volunteer opportunities, from what I understand. And you can order a bracelet from Colbert's website:

PS: I love the way you sign off your blogs. It cracks me up every time.