Saturday, November 29, 2008

Let there be lights!

Its funny how the littlest things can make someone really happy. It amazes me how much my mom appreciates some of the things my sister and I do because I don't feel like I am going out of my way to do them. Today for instance, was one of those days. I woke up this morning to my sister yelling at me to wake up... it was 800 and I like to sleep late. I kept falling in and out of sleep until I finally stopped bumming around the house at 1100. When I finally went into the living room, I was completely shocked to realize that my crazy sibling went into the attic, brought every Christmas decoration down, and set up the Christmas tree (plastic never fails). She then persuaded me to go outside and put the lights up on the house. Ugh. Now I know why my mom hates decorating very year.
Despite the hour of coldness that I experienced while I was putting the lights up, I truly didn't mind because my mom has put them up for literally the last ten years. She was almost in tears when she came home and realized what my crazy sister and I did. YAY! The only regrets I have for today were not plugging in the lights in before we wrapped them around the Christmas tree; half of a strand is out.
Wishing I knew how to re-wire things,

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

What I ate on Thanksgiving-

Wawa turkey bowl 
bread roll
La's veggies
Stuffing from work 
tiramisu ... lots of it 

What I am eating tomorrow

tissues ...... the no calorie filler

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


FREE POST..... like the free space on bingo

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ray Ban Love

Hands down, the best purchase that I have ever made are my folding ray-ban sunglasses. Yes, they fold into a little tiny sunglass. These $ 215 glasses were not only the greatest purchase that I have ever made, it was the first purchase that I ever made on my first credit card. I don't regret buying these for one second. I cant drive or step into natural sunlight without them. I wear my sunglasses when its raining and cloudy, even if its a hazard to myself and those around me. Whatever, they look cute. 
My next purchase is a blackberry!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Work Out

I mean it this time. I am going to the gym with my mom until abs magically sprout from my stomach. I joined the gym last winter after I spontaneously cut eleven inches of hair off ( at that time I worked six days a week and had a day off, I really felt like I needed to do something productive other than work) I started off working out almost every day ( I needed to start running for lacrosse), but it soon became nearly impossible to go to school, work, and run on the treadmill every day. Then summer came, enough said. But all that is going to change because my mom joined the gym with me today and I am going to try really hard to not waste my money and go more than once every two months. Its easy to sit on the couch and eat candy alone, but I am convinced that I am going to work out a lot more now that my mom wants to power walk on the treadmill too. Either that or we are going to wind up eating candy on the couch together.
My legs feel like jello,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Unwrap That!

I always say I'm going to do this; but this time I'm serious. Mark my words... I AM GOING TO GET ALL OF MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING FINISHED EARLY THIS YEAR. There is nothing more stressful than buying a Christmas present for your friends or family the hour before you have to leave to exchange presents. I have realized that my semi OCD behavior has increased over the past few months; so hopefully I can use it for good and not evil. I already know who I'm buying for and what I'm getting, no that's a complete lie but I do have some awesome presents in mind. 
I have to say that present buying , whether it be Christmas or birthday etc., has not always been my forte. I have friends that buy for every occasion and every holiday, but I am always the one who forgets the birthday and never remembers to actually go back to the store and buy a belated present. I have about three friends right now who I have to combine Christmas and Birthday all into one. I'm not complaining, but its just stressful. I also noticed that I only buy the friends gifts if they buy one for me. Its not that I'm being at total b -hotch, its just that I don't have millions of dollars to buy all of my friends something good, like really good and meaningful. Its not that I don't love them enough, I'm just poor. I think this year I am going to buy all of my friends silly little things that mean something, less money, more fun. Nothing says I love you BFF more than a package of spiderman stickers! (I am now realizing how much of an A$$ I must sound to my friends who are reading this right now..) This is also something that I say I'm going to do every year, but I Still drop insane amounts of cash. :) 
I'm in for a long month of laughing at stupid jokes for 20% tips,

Lets give thanks!... quickly

O man. I love Thanksgiving. It seems nearly impossible to pick my favorite thing about it. If I absolutely had to choose, my favorite thing about thanksgiving would have to be being able to binge eat without judgement. On any other day out of the year, my family, or anyone else for that matter would look at me in total disgust if I went to the table for thirds and then followed it up with an entire pie. On Thanksgiving, I can eat an entire flock of turkeys with no repercussions. Other than being completely obese, I love Thanksgiving because it is a quick introduction into Christmas. And Christmas clearly better than anything in the world ( I haven't experienced any other holiday around Christmas so that is a biased opinion ... my apologies). Its over and done with in a heartbeat. Think about it. Thanksgiving is and practice round for Christmas dinner; at least for me. All the stress of cooking for Christmas already occurred during Thanksgiving. Seriously, Santa even appears at the end of the Thanksgiving parade to signify the end of the pre-holiday. Unfortunately, I am 99% sure I have to work on Thanksgiving. Who goes to a bar  on Thanksgiving? Who? I'm still going to binge eat. 
There is no better way to celebrate a mass killing of native Americans than turkey and pie,

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blister From Hell

The past few days have sucked with a capital S. Sucked. 

Monday: I wake up late for school and I don't want to go ( beastie boy reference). Late, I mean I have ten minutes to get up, get dressed, and drag myself to school. In the process of trying to reduce the afro on my head, I forget to turn my hair straighter off and left on and plugged in ALL DAY. My last morning class ended at 1045, so I decided to go back home to Manahawkin before I had to attend class at 6pm. After I got home, I did some of my homework, at lunch, cleaned, and finally got ready for class (which I was dreading). I was late once again so in my rush to try to reduce the rats nest of what I call my hair, I grab the inside of my straightener and clamped my finger in the middle of the two plates ( no, I didn't know that it was hot until after I burned my finger). I immediately screamed and threw it on the ground. My mother then screamed from the other room telling me to get "that hot thing off my wood floors." Instead of class, I went to the ER where I as told not to pop the giant blister that developed on my finger. UGH.

Tuesday: I have a stat test on Friday, I write with my boo boo hand so it looks like I am in kindergarten, and my blister is so big that I can use it as a ruler. Seriously, its an inch long. O yea, being a waitress was great. Along with the stress that I already have to deal with at work, I had to pay extra attention to my blistering wound. It would have been really embarrassing if my band-aid fell in a plate of nachos. 

Josh: "Can I see your straightener, I don't feel like going back to work."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

assignment fifteen....

Personally, there is nothing worse/scary/makes me want to vomit more than advising and picking out class schedules. ( shutters) Literally I an unable to think of anything that can possibly help the process and put students at ease when it comes to picking out schedules. I think the best thing that an advisor can to to ease the scheduling process is not get stressed out when a student comes for help. Yes, advisers are human too, but when I see an advisor stressing over advising i literally feel like my world is going to come to an end. 
I think the worst part about advising and picking out schedules is that it forces students to try and visualize their future, something that stresses me out to no end. Every time I have to construct a new schedule, I begin to think about the amount of work I have to finish to graduate OCC, then I think about transferring and then I vomit. An advisor that eases my stress would make the process extremely easy and might I say enjoyable?... maybe.
Delighted that my schedule picking is over,

Friday, November 14, 2008

Indian Giver

OK so the post that I posted yesterday was written as a direct result of a horrible horrible extremely stressful week. No, I don't regret going to OCC, I just feel like I am missing out on the Dorming experience, and I miss my friends!!! Ugh. My complete stress spaz attack was brought on by my impulsive need to see if any of my credits transfer to out of state schools. Why? I have no clue. Now that the stress of picking out my classes for next semester is over (thank god!) the week is instantly better! O yea and I'm sitting in one of my best friend dorms at Penn State now ...... YAY!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm not going to lie. I feel like attending OCC was a huge mistake at this point. I was just looking online at some of the out of state colleges that I want to attend and about two of the classes that I took this semester and am taking next semester directly transfer.  I have nothing against the school or anything, I was actually surprised to see how much the college offered, but I feel like the next two years will be a huge waste of time if most of my credits don't transfer. I knew coming in that all of the credits won't transfer, but I am clearly going to be miserable if I transfer somewhere as a freshmen in college after two years. Yes, I know that most of my credits will transfer to a New Jersey school, but institutions in New Jersey are not my top choices. UGH!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Okay, so the squeaky wheel does get the grease, depending on the circumstances. This has always worked for me; if I want something I am forcefully nice. Being too aggressive can completely ruin one's chances of achieving a goal. Being too nice can lead to people taking advantage of things. I had to be forcefully nice when I wanted to start waitressing for instance. Before I started training, I seriously had to ask my manager a million times! One million times! I did things like memorize the menu in front of her when I was standing the hostess desk and went out of my way to help other servers to show that I knew what I was doing. I was forceful in the sense that I did not back away from what I was trying to achieve, but nice in the sense that I was , well nice. Even though I asked my manager to start training a million times, I never gave an "attitude" or was upset when the schedule come out and I still wasn't training (I'm really not the kind of person to give attitude to anyone, especially my boss). Forceful+nice= waitress. Waitress= paying my bills. 
Always tip your servers,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I singed up for classes today. Now I'm realizing that I have to change them. Vomit.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dream School

O man, a question like this immediately brings me back to the most horrifying experience of my life. When I think about the fact that I have to re-apply to a four year school, I literally want to vomit. I'd rather eat dirt than apply to school again. Nothing in this world is more of a pain in the butt! Anyway, if I could attend any four-year school, I would definitely attend either Princeton or NYU. Not only are both of these school excellent institutions, both harbor extremely different environments that I could see myself living in for the next four- uh two years. [rolls eyes] I absolutely love the Princeton campus, and everything else about the school for that matter. Every time I visit Princeton and walk around campus, I literally feel the years of scholarship looming over my shoulders. I love the football uniforms and school colors. I love visiting and imagining what it would be like to attend school; then I remember that I didn't score  2400 on my SAT's and find a cure for cancer,and my name isn't Marcus and I did not attend Buddhist camp in the middle of nowhere (yay book references!). I also love love love love NYU. I actually applied last fall but did not get in. I love this institution because it literally exists in the busiest place on earth. If I am lucky, my career will take me into the city where I will make billions of dollars. NYU would be an excellent resource and stepping stone for my future. Plus, I love change and diversity, even if the school mascot is a purple torch thing... I think...
Now stressing over my future,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

In your face Shakespeare

I wish I was nocturnal,
and didn't have to sleep,
If these things were possible,
A stress- free schedule I would keep.

Why did mother nature only put 24 hours in a day,
Does she know I have homework to do,
and bills I have to pay?

I have work starting in an hour,
And three essays I have to write,
Time is surely my enemy,
I am going to be up all night.

No, I'm not complaining,
I'm just sleeping less and less
I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do,
And trying to do my best.

So enough with the winning,
This blog break has come to an end,
My homework still exists,
And there are tables I have to tend.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Busy Bee

I am at the point right now where I have so much homework and other things to do that I feel like I am never going to have the opportunity to step out of my house and expierence real sunlight again. One thing that I did do this week was officially join the school newspaper. Yes, I am on the Viking News and I could not be happier. Busy Busy Busy. Honestly, I would rather have too much to do than have nothing to do at all. 
Check "Blog Today" off the list of things to do

Friday, November 7, 2008

Book Worm

I consider the best form of entertainment to be either books or written material. I know, typical. But how many "I love New York" spin off shows can there be? I  find it amazing that twenty six letters can create endless amounts of words, which then can create endless amounts of stories. Books are the bottomless pit of all forms of entertainment. There is always a story to be told or reported. News never stops occurring and it is safe to say that the English language is not going to die out any time soon. Society would be extremely dull without written language( ex. farenheit 451)  When Flavor Flave no longer exists, we will be able to read about him later.
I hated Farenheit 451,

Thursday, November 6, 2008


So earlier today my friend Allie and I had an appointment with our writing professor to discuss the likelihood of finding a job in the communications field right out of college. Our appointment was in the Tech building so we figured that we would arrive early and wait downstairs before we had our meeting. The downstairs of the Tech building consists of an open area that is filled with a number of chairs and two couches; one of which should now be sterilized and burned in order to prevent the spread of future disease. When we walked into the Tech "lounge" our eyes were instantly blinded by the couple that was laying, full on laying, next to each other on one the the couches. Although we thought that this was extremely odd, we ignored the crazies and sat on the chairs on the other side of the room. All of a sudden, I felt my breakfast rise into my throat because the image that I saw next literally made me want to vomit on the floor. The couple was one second away from completely doing it on the couch. Her tongue was plunged so far down his throat, I thought that she was checking for Strep. I seriously felt like they were trying to film an X rated video. This literally took place out in the open, on the the couch, in the Tech building. [ VOMIT] Do people have no shame? Did they not realize that they were out in the open? After about two minutes of this entire debacle, Allie and I could not hold in our laughter. It has never felt so good to openly laugh at two people in my entire life. The worst part about the whole thing was that once the future porn stars heard us laughing at them, they stopped the conception of their future child to turn around and stare at Allie and I like we were doing something wrong. Seriously, what is wrong with people? 
OCC should invest in plastic couch covers,

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Dear America,
Thank you for making the decision that you did. The country will remain in tact and my future is becoming brighter by the second. Watching Obama give his speech last night was far more entertaining than any top model episode that could ever be filmed. On January 20Th, I will no longer despise the leader of the country. It hilarious how a semi-large crowd of crying white old people could bring such joy and happiness to my life. Karma you republican A$$ holes! Karma! Yes, now that the election is over I will no longer post mean comments about John McCain or the members of the republican party. 
I guess its a good thing that I didn't steal all of the McCain signs that i saw on my neighbors lawns; they didn't work anyway,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


OK so I want to first start off by saying HAPPY ELECTION day! I know in my last post I said that I won't be blogging until Bush leaves office, but I lied. Sorry. I literally woke up in Dawn's A$$ crack this morning to go vote with my mom before I went to class. Why does every old person in the world wake up so freaking early? Anyway, I've been thinking about today's class discussion, and I am unable to get my mind off the fact that I seriously knew every top model contestant's name and season and season winner that was brought up in class today. Why do I have to ability to remember stupid S#it for no reason at all, but when I need to remember important information, for a test for instance, I often draw complete blanks? Seriously, I mastered facebook in two seconds, but it took me a week to master my class schedule. DUH. I love stupid television shows and stupid entertainment, but they have side effects that resemble tar. Stupid information that exudes from stupid forms of entertainment sticks in my brain and takes up what little room I have for storing important information. When I am watching charm school for instance, I feel like my brain is a woolly mammoth that just got trapped in a tar puddle ( sorry, I recently saw Jurassic Park). This is your brain on drugs [ frying egg]. This your brain on Rock of Love [ dying woolly mammoth].
I feel another ice age coming on,

Monday, November 3, 2008

The sun will come out...... Tomorrow ........

Okay so it literally just sunk in that Election Day is tomorrow. TOMORROW. A new leader of basically free world is being elected tomorrow. I'm terrified. This is the last time that I will be posting while Bush is in office. I'm overjoyed; but terrified. 
I'm voting in favor of the polar bears,

Reading is Sexy.....

I'm finally back on my reading kick! Hooray! I am currently trying to finish Forth Comings and have a whole personal library of things to finish reading. I decided that I'm going to push aside a specific amount of time each day to read because if I don't find out if Jessica decided to marry Marcus soon, I'm going to stress over it. 


1. Angels and Demons ( Dan Brown) - This is a must because I Read Da Vinci Code and I am convinced that Jesus' family is still walking around somewhere.
2. Twilight (Stephanie Meyer) and the rest of the books in the series- I can no longer stand the constant ridicule. The movie also comes out this month.
3 Choke ( Chuck Palahniuk)- Movie comes out soon
4. Rant ("    ")- I just have to.
5. Nerds (Someone with a PHD)- It explains why nerds benefit society. I couldn't resist. 
6. Bonk ( Mary Roach)- I LOVED LOVED LOVED Stiff and Spook. YaY Science! 
7. Audacity of Hope (Obama)- <3 
I VOTE TOMORROW... yes this has nothing to do with this post but I just can't wait,

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick and Treat

Reasons Why Halloween SUCKED!
. I went to work dressed as a tiger. I was one of the only girls that was not wearing an expensive slutty costume. Needless to say I did not win the costume contest.
. A lot... A LOT of people did not know I was a tiger.
. A table comprised of two crack heads walked out on their $80 check; leaving me forced to pay the bill. I payed half on Halloween and my co workers each put in five dollars today to cover the other half because they felt bad for me( I love everyone who I work with). If I ever see those ignorant F*^ks again, I will unleash the biggest can of whoop A$$ that the world has ever seen. IF ANYONE EVER DECIDES TO LEAVE A RESTAURANT AND NOT PAY THE BILL JUST REALIZE THAT YOU ARE AN A$$ AND YOU PROBABLY COST THE SERVER TWO NIGHTS OF PAY. YOU DESERVE TO GET THE WORST FOOD POISONING EVER...
Reason Why Halloween Was AWESOME!
. I finally saw my favorite "Goosebumps" movie again. Nothing can make Halloween more amazing thAn a good "Goosebumps" movie, the one where the crazy blond girl buys a scary mask and it sticks to her face, with one of your best friends.
I'm definitely going trick- or -treating next year,