Saturday, November 22, 2008

Work Out

I mean it this time. I am going to the gym with my mom until abs magically sprout from my stomach. I joined the gym last winter after I spontaneously cut eleven inches of hair off ( at that time I worked six days a week and had a day off, I really felt like I needed to do something productive other than work) I started off working out almost every day ( I needed to start running for lacrosse), but it soon became nearly impossible to go to school, work, and run on the treadmill every day. Then summer came, enough said. But all that is going to change because my mom joined the gym with me today and I am going to try really hard to not waste my money and go more than once every two months. Its easy to sit on the couch and eat candy alone, but I am convinced that I am going to work out a lot more now that my mom wants to power walk on the treadmill too. Either that or we are going to wind up eating candy on the couch together.
My legs feel like jello,

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