Tuesday, November 4, 2008


OK so I want to first start off by saying HAPPY ELECTION day! I know in my last post I said that I won't be blogging until Bush leaves office, but I lied. Sorry. I literally woke up in Dawn's A$$ crack this morning to go vote with my mom before I went to class. Why does every old person in the world wake up so freaking early? Anyway, I've been thinking about today's class discussion, and I am unable to get my mind off the fact that I seriously knew every top model contestant's name and season and season winner that was brought up in class today. Why do I have to ability to remember stupid S#it for no reason at all, but when I need to remember important information, for a test for instance, I often draw complete blanks? Seriously, I mastered facebook in two seconds, but it took me a week to master my class schedule. DUH. I love stupid television shows and stupid entertainment, but they have side effects that resemble tar. Stupid information that exudes from stupid forms of entertainment sticks in my brain and takes up what little room I have for storing important information. When I am watching charm school for instance, I feel like my brain is a woolly mammoth that just got trapped in a tar puddle ( sorry, I recently saw Jurassic Park). This is your brain on drugs [ frying egg]. This your brain on Rock of Love [ dying woolly mammoth].
I feel another ice age coming on,

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