Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick and Treat

Reasons Why Halloween SUCKED!
. I went to work dressed as a tiger. I was one of the only girls that was not wearing an expensive slutty costume. Needless to say I did not win the costume contest.
. A lot... A LOT of people did not know I was a tiger.
. A table comprised of two crack heads walked out on their $80 check; leaving me forced to pay the bill. I payed half on Halloween and my co workers each put in five dollars today to cover the other half because they felt bad for me( I love everyone who I work with). If I ever see those ignorant F*^ks again, I will unleash the biggest can of whoop A$$ that the world has ever seen. IF ANYONE EVER DECIDES TO LEAVE A RESTAURANT AND NOT PAY THE BILL JUST REALIZE THAT YOU ARE AN A$$ AND YOU PROBABLY COST THE SERVER TWO NIGHTS OF PAY. YOU DESERVE TO GET THE WORST FOOD POISONING EVER...
Reason Why Halloween Was AWESOME!
. I finally saw my favorite "Goosebumps" movie again. Nothing can make Halloween more amazing thAn a good "Goosebumps" movie, the one where the crazy blond girl buys a scary mask and it sticks to her face, with one of your best friends.
I'm definitely going trick- or -treating next year,

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