Thursday, November 6, 2008


So earlier today my friend Allie and I had an appointment with our writing professor to discuss the likelihood of finding a job in the communications field right out of college. Our appointment was in the Tech building so we figured that we would arrive early and wait downstairs before we had our meeting. The downstairs of the Tech building consists of an open area that is filled with a number of chairs and two couches; one of which should now be sterilized and burned in order to prevent the spread of future disease. When we walked into the Tech "lounge" our eyes were instantly blinded by the couple that was laying, full on laying, next to each other on one the the couches. Although we thought that this was extremely odd, we ignored the crazies and sat on the chairs on the other side of the room. All of a sudden, I felt my breakfast rise into my throat because the image that I saw next literally made me want to vomit on the floor. The couple was one second away from completely doing it on the couch. Her tongue was plunged so far down his throat, I thought that she was checking for Strep. I seriously felt like they were trying to film an X rated video. This literally took place out in the open, on the the couch, in the Tech building. [ VOMIT] Do people have no shame? Did they not realize that they were out in the open? After about two minutes of this entire debacle, Allie and I could not hold in our laughter. It has never felt so good to openly laugh at two people in my entire life. The worst part about the whole thing was that once the future porn stars heard us laughing at them, they stopped the conception of their future child to turn around and stare at Allie and I like we were doing something wrong. Seriously, what is wrong with people? 
OCC should invest in plastic couch covers,

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