Monday, November 3, 2008

Reading is Sexy.....

I'm finally back on my reading kick! Hooray! I am currently trying to finish Forth Comings and have a whole personal library of things to finish reading. I decided that I'm going to push aside a specific amount of time each day to read because if I don't find out if Jessica decided to marry Marcus soon, I'm going to stress over it. 


1. Angels and Demons ( Dan Brown) - This is a must because I Read Da Vinci Code and I am convinced that Jesus' family is still walking around somewhere.
2. Twilight (Stephanie Meyer) and the rest of the books in the series- I can no longer stand the constant ridicule. The movie also comes out this month.
3 Choke ( Chuck Palahniuk)- Movie comes out soon
4. Rant ("    ")- I just have to.
5. Nerds (Someone with a PHD)- It explains why nerds benefit society. I couldn't resist. 
6. Bonk ( Mary Roach)- I LOVED LOVED LOVED Stiff and Spook. YaY Science! 
7. Audacity of Hope (Obama)- <3 
I VOTE TOMORROW... yes this has nothing to do with this post but I just can't wait,

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