Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Okay, so the squeaky wheel does get the grease, depending on the circumstances. This has always worked for me; if I want something I am forcefully nice. Being too aggressive can completely ruin one's chances of achieving a goal. Being too nice can lead to people taking advantage of things. I had to be forcefully nice when I wanted to start waitressing for instance. Before I started training, I seriously had to ask my manager a million times! One million times! I did things like memorize the menu in front of her when I was standing the hostess desk and went out of my way to help other servers to show that I knew what I was doing. I was forceful in the sense that I did not back away from what I was trying to achieve, but nice in the sense that I was , well nice. Even though I asked my manager to start training a million times, I never gave an "attitude" or was upset when the schedule come out and I still wasn't training (I'm really not the kind of person to give attitude to anyone, especially my boss). Forceful+nice= waitress. Waitress= paying my bills. 
Always tip your servers,

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