Friday, October 31, 2008

I hope I get tipped tonight....

I am currently dressed up as a tiger and on my way to work. 
"Hello I'm a tiger. I will be serving you today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"




In honor of the festivities, my stat teacher dressed up as a character from Star Trek. I would have found the outfit hilarious if it weren't for the fact that I didn't notice he was wearing a costume until the end of class.
Live Long and Prosper,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I take my coffee black......

I want to first start off by saying that my favorite Halloween candy off all time is candy corn. Even though it reminds me of candle wax, I cant get enough ( When I say candy corn I mean original. The pumpkin candy corn is just not the same). :)
If I could do one thing, anything in the world, I would hire a personal assistant and act like I always had a ton of important S#$T to do. I envy all of those people who reached the "personal assistant status." Seriously, rules do not pertain to any personal assistant. No person in their right mind would tell a colleague to simultaneously purchase coffee and wash a car in the matter of five minutes; but bosses would expect a personal assistant to complete that task in three. Who else in their right mind would be willing to complete ridiculous tasks for the sake of a boss? Honestly, I somewhat define the term success based upon the number of personal assistants an individual has ( owns?). Kimora Lee Simmons? SUCCESS! Boss of a major business that doe snot have a personal assistant? FAILURE! 
Apologizing for Letting my Crazy Show,


I am convinced that the entire science of biology is a complete lie that was though up by evil geniuses in order to explain occurrences that they were unable to figure out! I am aware that technology has allowed scientists to view microscopic parts of cells; but seriously, humans are able to see electrons transporting across a membrane. I don't think so. Here is what really happened; when writing in the official scientific journal, a combination of mad libs  and scrabble was used to fill in pieces of missing information. "I need a noun." [ scrabble pieces are thrown against a wall] "M"..... "I"..... mi... mito.... MITOCHONDRIA!
I have always wanted to read the book "Lies my Teacher Told Me," but I cant bring myself to it. I do not want to know that all of the history courses that I took in high school were a complete waste of time (although sometimes I feel like most of my high school career was a complete waste of time). So here is a message for all of my teachers; please don't lie to me. If biology is pretend, I will continue learning for the sake of my GPA. Just don't try to convince me that something is real when it isn't ( FYI I really like my BIO teacher, I just hate science in general). Its similar to the whole "Santa" lie. UGH! 
My membranes are too annoyed to transfer anything at the moment,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yale Or Bust

I was reminiscing about some of my favorite teachers that I had in school, and one clearly sticks out of my mind. During my senior year of high school, all of my friends, including myself had a fabulous English teacher named Mrs. Wright. I am unable to describe her in words simply because there is no word in the English language that describes the fabulously that she exuded on a daily basis. I knew that AP English would be an enjoyable course once she told the class that she read the entire gossip girl series over the summer ( she must be in her fifties so this made me laugh). When talking amongst ourselves, me and a select number of friends would refer to her by her first name, Joan, just because the name sounded better. We did not refer to her as "Joan" because we were mocking her ( the name just fit with the entire persona) and we absolutely did not refer to her as Joan in front of her face. Sooner than we could ever imagine, everyone in both of the AP English classes would refer to her as Joan outside of the classroom :). Mrs. Wright still remains one of my favorite teachers simply because she always had a positive attitude. When I wrote for the high school news paper, for instance, one of the last articles that I wrote was about my big "college decision" and my apprehension about possibly attending OCC. Shortly after the paper was published, and shortly after I made the decision to go to OCC, I saw her walking in the hallway in between classes. She first told me that she really enjoyed my article and then asked what I had decided on. When I told her that I decided to remain home, she assured me that I did not make a wrong decision. She then said the line that I will never forget, "I mean, people go to OCC and then transfer to Yale."  At that moment in time, my apprehension about attending my community college dramatically decreased. Thank You Mrs Wright!


Right now, at this very moment, I am watching Obama live on CNN giving a speech in North Carolina. Someone literally just fainted and he stopped his speech in order to call attention to medical services. I am seriously watching this man speak and smiling and giggling like a little girl. If he does not get elected president, I'm moving to Canada. Right now, at this very moment, I am begging America to please make the right decision in six days. I need to go to college; and an opportunity to receive loans would take a tremendous amount of stress off my shoulders. Polar bears are some of my favorite animals. McCain is too old and too wrinkly to be president. Pailn is crazy. She is a crazy, crazy lady. Okay, someone else just fainted again. Right now, at this very moment, I am begging those who who are voting for McCain to please realize that you are jeopardising my future, stressing me out to no end, and basically trying to ruin my life. 
I can't wait to see him on the daily show later!,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Picture says 1000 words...

I have a friend that attends University of Alaska at Fairbanks,so naturally the facebook pictures that I see of the area are pretty freaking sweet. As I was facebook stalking the other night, I came across something that might be unusual to an abundance of people living in Alaska; it was a house. This house wasn't just any old house, this house was somewhat nice looking compared to most of the igloos, snow caves, and shacks that exist in the frozen tundra that we call a state. I was horrified at what I saw next. The caption beneath the picture read "Sara Palin's house." I couldn't believe it. My crazy Alaskan wanna be friend actually took a trip off campus to visit the Ice Queen's house. Now I haven't got in contact with this person to make sure that he wasn't just lying, and by contact I mean comment "WTF" beneath the picture, but how many people in Alaska actually own a nice house? This was a mansion that was built next to a beautiful frozen lake. No wonder she is a republican; if Obama gets elected,  the "tax increase" on her property would only allow her to build only one bowling alley in her mansion, instead of two. [growls]. 
As I begin to really think about the picture, I am slowly convincing myself that the house on facebook really doesn't belong to the abominable snow lady that we call a VP candidate. I mean, Scott had to be extremely close to the house, basically on the property, in order to take the picture. Where is the armed security that is prepared to kill anyone trying to intrude? Where are the sled dogs ready to attack? Then I remember, NO ONE LIVES IN ALASKA. 
I can't wait to vote,

Monday, October 27, 2008

Vampires Suck!

I am the oddball. I feel like I am the last person on the face of the planet who hasn't read any of the Twilight books. I want to read them, I just don't have time! Honesty, I would have never thought that a book about Vampires would have such a large appeal. Vampires? Really? Huh. I hate that a Twilight movie is coming out because I know that I am unable to read multiple Bible/ dictionary sized novels in the matter of a few months. It is bad enough that I haven't read the books yet; what makes the situation worse is that two of my best friends read the books already and always make fun of me because I haven't ( I'm pretty sure that I'm getting made fun of right now because both Amanda and Katie read my blog). So as they are mentally pounding fists, or pounding fists via Skype to signify agreement and make fun of me, I'm going to say this; EVERYONE STOP MAKING FUN OF ME BECAUSE I HAVEN'T READ ANY OF THE TWILIGHT BOOKS. I will get to it when I have time.
If I had vampire powers and were able to stay up all night I would have read the books already,

Winning Knowledge

I'm not going to lie. I was a huge super mega fan of all the tween movies that Mary-Kate and Ashley ever made. I clearly remember watching every movie starring the Olsen twins with my friends when I was about twelve. One of my absolute favorites, there is still a long list of my favorites, was the movie tilted Winning London. Although I don't remember every detail about the movie, one particular part ,for some odd reason, always stuck out in my mind. When the Olsen twins were having dinner with their grandfather in the film, he asked them what they learned that day. I think I loved this part because they always seemed to come up with an answer even though they were running around Europe with total hotties. In honor of the pre-hobo, pre-anno Olsen Twins, I made a list of everything that I learned today ( Thus Far, I still have to go to Biology Lab later).
1. My Western Civ Lecture this morning outlined the entire Muslim Faith. I gained an entire new understanding of a completely different religion. This was the most interesting and useful information I am going to learn all day.
2. The word theatre can be spelled like "theatre" or "theater".
3. I haven't Checked my Facebook in weeks. Habit broken? I don't think so. 
4. Chocolate chip Kudos bars are a disappointing snack.
5. If I ever wanted to go to Rutgers, my Bio Class will transfer.
I feel my brain increasing in size,

Saturday, October 25, 2008


In response to Johnny Depp's salary, the only good thing that is going to come out of it is that another pirates movie is premiering in theaters! I thought that the third movie was the last movie in the "pirates trilogy." Midnight premiere round four here I come; that is if I can save up enough money to afford to go to the movies since the economy is tanking (vomit).  I never understood why actors are paid vast sums of money for filming movies. I agree that acting does take a substantial amount of work, but is two hours of make believe really worth 55 Million...... MILLION.... dollars? Seriously, I never would of thought that  being a pirate wench would prove to be a wise career choice. What scares me is that not only do the studios have enough money to overpay the actors; these large corporations have enough money to make the movie and fiance other "necessities."  Studios clearly  can't put a price on the important things required on a set such as Tivo, catered food, and personal trainers. If Johnny needs to work out in between takes, the studio will make sure a trainer is on hand at all hours of the day.
I can think of thousands of jobs that require the same amount of time and energy that acting requires, but does not pay nearly the same amount. People don't see doctors or nurses walking around with millions of dollars. Well yes doctors do make large amounts of money but they at the same time they are saving lives. The world will not end if Pirates four does not premiere in theaters. Don' t get me wrong. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE watching attractive pirate men run around on the movie screen, but if the attractive pirate man whores are part of the reason why the economy is failing, I'm pretty sure that the first three movies will hold me over until the recession ends. 
Wishing I Knew How To Sword Fight so I Could Commandeer a Pirate Ship,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wishful Thinking

In a perfect world, I would be rich and both of my parents would be able to afford to drive around in BMW's. I would have went to a four year school, my SAT scores would have been waaaaay higher, and my stupid two year cell phone contract would be up ( side note! why are retail price cell phones so expensive? Why does my mom get a two year contract EVERY FREAKING YEAR?!) In a perfect world, I would get invited to P. Diddy's White Party every year and be highly skilled in both sudoku and gymnastics. I would be allowed to own an American Express Black Card and Britney would have never married K FED and had a mental breakdown ( RIP Britney and Justin). In a perfect world, I would not experience horrible moments of laziness and I would have not chopped of eleven inches of my hair in a crazy fit or rage ( FYI I do not regret donating my hair to locks of love, I just wish it would grow back faster :) ). In a perfect world EVERYONE WOULD AT LEAST TIP TWENTY PERCENT! I clearly don't live in a perfect world, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 
P Diddy Rents Out the REAL Constitution for His White Parties!,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Let me be the first to say it. I am an open minded individual who is open to all races, religions, and cultures. I have my own opinions and ideas about political figures, celebrities, school, and I have no problem expressing my ideas upon request. I accept and respect cultures and religions that are different from mine and I also respect individuals who share completely different ideas and beliefs. I do not respect those individuals who share beliefs that are different from mine and insist on pushing their beliefs on me. Do not ask me for an honest opinion then judge me and tell me that I am wrong.
Unless American citizens are living in cardboard boxes, which many will be if someone doesn't fix the economy, the presidential race has had somewhat of an impact in every one's daily life. Naturally, the importance for change and the need for a new leader had sparked political debates nation wide. These political conversations even made it all the way to Manahawkin New Jersey and happened to take place between me and a particular table that I happened to be waiting on.  I want to start off by saying that the table that the conversation took place on consisted of some of the nicest people that I have ever met. About midway through the conversation, the gentlemen asked me who I was voting for in the election. As soon as I told him that I was voting for Obama, the table glared at me in pure disgust. This only lasted for about a second and was immediately followed by a "well your tip just got cut in half "joke (FYI I received an excellent tip). Nothing more was said about the election at dinner, so I figured that I dodged a bullet after the awkward moment elapsed. WRONG.
I was horrified at what I saw after the table left. On top of the signed credit card slip was the words "Vote McCain." Chills were instantly sent down my spine; not because I thought  I forgot to charge for the coffee ( I Remembered), but because I was somewhat annoyed that someone was still trying to push their opinion on me after we already disagreed. I know that these people were just joking, but I couldn't help but think, wow that was completely unnecessary. I wasn't systematically telling them to vote for Obama. Seriously, what were they trying to accomplish?I respected the fact that we liked different presidential candidates. Oh Wow maybe I will vote McCain just because it says so on my credit card slip. Sorry republicans, I respect the fact that the right winged politicians love recession and war, but I think I'll stick with the person who I think is right for leading the nation.
Let's agree to disagree,

Monday, October 20, 2008

The most frustrating thing about attending college..

The most frustrating thing about attending college, OCC in particular, is that an abundance of people think that community college is equvielant to "taking the easy way out." If i had a dollar for every time I heard a fellow classmate say "I'm going to OCC because its easier," I could, at the moment, afford to attend a four-year school. What is easier about OCC? Its still college! I'm still overwhelmed and worried about the same stupid thigns that I was worried about in high school; ie getting into college. I'm still srtessing out because I'm trying my absloute harest and sometimes I still don't get A's. I'm still wlaking up every morning and drivng to school after hours of homeowork from the night before. My main reason for not wanting to attend OCC was because I feel as if missing out on a crucial part of school by not going away and living in a dorm. I never expected community college to be easier than a four-year institution.
Another frustrating element about school is the lack of school spirit. I am aware that school spirit does exist somewhere within the campus, but the paint-your-face,wear school colors, chase the mascot around, school spirit does not exist at OCC. I was not expecting this type of school spirt to exist on campus because dorms do not exist on campus, but I still can't get enough of the tailgate "hard core" school spirit. I did not know that OCC had a mascot until the second week of school! 
Go .......... Vikings? 

Friday, October 17, 2008

Just thinking out loud......

I wanted to see what my train of thought would look like on paper, well computer screen. 
 Is Bill Nye a scientist or an actor?
What are sprinkles made of?
Why does everyone like the free credit report commercials? The guy is clearly lip syncing. 
Is Danity Kane going to get back together?
I hope the economy doesn't crash, money toilet paper would not be comfortable. 
Presidential candidates should have to battle to the death (like gladiators). Ancient Roman gladiators were well respected; and no one messed with Rome. 
Why don't Hey Arnold DVDs exist? And what happened to his parents? How did he fit his head through those sweaters?
Money is the only thing that buys happiness. Why do people say otherwise?
MY cousin Kelsey is a really good artist... I hope she gets into Rowan. 
The most embarrassing moments, well as least for me, occur when I am with either Amanda or Katie and we forget that we are in public... WHY.... SO.... SERIOUS.......?
Why do people look at drug dealers in a negative light? I don't deal or do drugs, but I somewhat idolize these people in a sick, sick manner. Drug dealers are rich! I had no idea that drugs were so expensive.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Sarah ( trips over suitcase): Ouch D#%^#t!
Morgan: SARAH I told you to put the suitcase away! We aren't leaving for forty F&%^ing days!
Now if the rest of my friends would come home.....

One way ticket to hell and back...

There is no doubt in mind mind that I am one day going to Hades. I did not drop the spirit stick, horrible horrible Bring It On reference, but my morals are nothing short of twisted. I compiled a list of things that make me a complete A$$. 

1. A number of my classmates, including myself, volunteered at a pancake breakfast in my school in order to raise money for a girl that was diagnosed with cancer. After the breakfast ended, an abundance of pancakes were left over and the students were told to take food back to class. I had English with a number of my best friends, and we decided to take food back for the entire class to eat. needless to say, no one was hungry. Upon realizing this, my Friends and I proceeded to walk out of class, the beauty of a sub, and used the left over pancakes as Frisbees. We covered the lawn of the school in pancakes and fed the birds at the same time.
2. When I don't have enough money to pay the tolls, I take what spare change I have, throw it out the window, and miss the basket. I then proceed to honk the horn and act like I missed the basket on accident and hope that the cameras do not pick up the lies that flew out my window, instead of the change.
3. I always speed at yellow lights, slowing down is for losers.
4. A co-worker was extremely close with their pet chicken and had to leave work early when they found out that the chicken was eaten by another animal. Everyone that worked the night shift toppled over with laughter as soon as the chicken news spread around the building. The soup of the day, chicken vegetable of course, was written on a white board in the kitchen, and I immediately took the chance to draw a picture of a dead chicken being eaten by a monster as soon as I heard the news. I forgot to erase the drawing before I left work. I hope I still have a job.
5. I have no tolerance for children ranging from ages two to twelve
6. I know every line  and dance move to "Super Star" and will drop everything to do the fax machine on request.
7. I tell my sister that she is adopted at least once a day. 
Creating a rubber outfit so when I get hit by lightning, I won't be injured,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just A Question...

If John McCain's feelings are hurt when another senator says "inappropriate comments" about his campaign, how is he going to handle possible terrorist threats when they say "Death to America"? No one cares about feelings. Will someone just help us not completely fall apart?

A series of unfortunate events...

Being the sometimes "unmotivated person that I am, I dread an abundance of things. On certain days, the thought of going to classes sends shivers down my spine. Sometimes I dread putting on normal clothes to go to school ( FYI; one day I'm just going to snap and wear PJ's to school). I also dread the sight of anything to do with Long Beach Island Apparel ( long story). 
Despite the abundance of "dread" that sometimes occupies my life,  one particular obligation that stood out as most dreadful was high school graduation practice. Yes, I wanted to spend my last few days of high school waking up at 7:00 am in order to be at school so the graduating class class could stand in the heat for hours and practice sitting. If a student did not attend the three days of practice, he or she could not graduate. If a student was late to graduation, he of she could not graduate. Practice was nothing short of grueling and a pain in the A$$. It must of took forty five minutes for all five hundred seniors to learn to sit simultaneously. I can distinctly remember advisers and teachers saying, "we practice the ceremony and have strict rules so Southern Regional can have a graduation that competes with other schools." Why? I was unaware that schools competed to have the best exit.
The most frustrating thing about the entire process was that on the night of graduation,  a storm rolled into town and the school had to cut the ceremony short. 
I never want to sit and stand repeatedly again,

Its a miracle! I can read!

Just because I serve food in order to pay my bills,  I am not stupid. Yes, I can read. Here is a conversation/scenario that took place between a server( me) and a customer.

Me: Can I start you off with anything to drink?
Customer: Do you have #$#$%#%%#? [I blurted out the name of the beer that he asked for in order to avoid copyright issues].
Me: No I'm sorry we don't carry that beer. [ I proceed to read every beer that we have on tap and in a bottle.
Customer (In a semi-snotty voice): Ugh. Okay, I'll just go with #$#%##[ different beer than before]. 
Me: Ill be right out with that.

I'm going to provide more information in order to give the world a better understanding of the situation, my horrible luck, and insight on bar glassware as well. Bars and restaurants, well the one I work at in particular, has glasses advertising beers and other liquor that we do not carry. I don't know why my restaurant does this; but I do know that the beer that the customer asked for, his second choice, came in a glass advertising the beer that he originally wanted. Yes, the beer that the restaurant seriously does not carry.  This would only happen to me. 
I proceed to bring the beer to the table.

Me: Can I start the table off with any appetisers?
Customer (noticing the glass): Come here, do you know what this glass says? Can you read this? This glass says #$##%$%@.  I just wanted to let you know.
Me (trying my hardest not to comment on their ugly shirt): I assure you that we do not have this beer. I will go double check with the bar if you want me to. 
Customer: No, I am fine with %$%$^, I just wanted to point that out.
My subconscious: OK yes, you caught me. I'm telling you we do not carry this beer because I hate you and want to make your life miserable. D#$% Head! 
 I swear I can read at college level, even though Green Eggs and Ham is still my favorite novel,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sometimes I hate the news

I saw the most asinine thing on the news this morning. Seriously this almost made me question my career choice; yes I almost dropped out of school and decided to be a waitress for the rest of my life because of this particular segment. This poor reporter was sent to the to report on the "improvement" made in the stock market. The segment took place on the trading room floor and involved a young reporter and what I am guessing what was an overly tanned, overly botoxed, overly old and boring, stock broker or expert. I was too tired and too mesmerized by the abnormal looks of this man to actually remember what the segment was specifically about, but I know for a fact that it ended in the reporter asking the broker where he fell on the "hope meter." Seriously, a hope meter popped up in the bottom of the screen. Hope Meter? Hope meter for what ? The United States? The stock market? Seriously if reporters need a hope meter to measure the "hopefulness" of the future bankers of the United States, WE ARE DOOMED. Here is the conversation:
Reporter:  So with the stock market on the rise, where do you lie on the hope meter?
Botox: Five
My hope meter is negative one,

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mind Freak Fake Out

It just so happened that as I finished reading the two stories about "relationships ", I turned on the T.V. to none other than the "Pick Up Artist." What the hell is wrong with VH1? Seriously, they might as well call this show man whores in training. The premise of the game, yes the people on this show actually win something, is that the Master "Pick-Up Artist", Mystery acquires a group of "nerds" that have difficulties meeting women or keeping relationships. Mystery takes these grown men in and houses them in a Manson, the standard mansion used to house everyone interesting enough to be on a reality T.V show, and trains them in the art of "picking up women." Yes, in theory, this sounds like a self-esteem raising workshop-type of environment. In reality, this show epitomises the double standard between men and women. No, I am certainly not a feminist in any way shape or form, but I vomit in my mouth every time this show is on.
First of all, the environment in which these men are taught to pick up women says little to nothing about the "skills" that are being taught. These boys are forced to pick up women in a night club, in the dark, after everyone has been drinking for a matter of hours. UM HELLO? How does this man call himself a pick up artist if all he does is pray on drunk women? This is not an art form. This is potential rape! No wonder Mystery is extremely successful in dark bars; he looks like a horrible version of the Gothic dorky little bother of Chris Angel Mindfreak. ( ILOVE MINDFREAK). And what is success to this man you ask? A phone number? A kiss? Wow cool.
The most disgusting part of the entire show was that these nerds "Observed" the mid freak look alike in the club where he swooned a handful of drunk women. This man seriously must have made out with five girls in a matter of an hour or so ( I'm not sure how long he was in the club). This obviously has something to say about the judgement of drunk girls in bars. When he returned to the geeks, they cheered and did a little geek dance while simultaneously gathering around their new leader. Why is Mystery praised for this behavior when girls who do the same thing are called sluts? ..... vomit....... The geeks assume that they would be irresistible if they apply these tactics in real life situations. Honestly, you can't hide crazy. It is not that hard to ignore a crazily dressed man with horrible intentions. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to watch this every week.
Realizing that I just might sounded a little mean,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hikau Part 2... Find the hidden word again...!

Evangelical Christ 
Never have I ever
Gone to such great 
Lengths in order to serve such 
Idiots that happen to be 
Sitting in section not
Happily enjoying  anything that I 
1. give them and two. suggest
5 million times I go to their table only for a most likely 
1. dollar tip.

I Swear......

In light of the discussion of "picking our own topics" for the next essay, I feel as if I should share what I always wanted to write about ( it has nothing to do with the next chapter). I've always wanted to write a paper on "what makes a word a "BAD WORD." Yes, I'm giving the world more evidence to support the fact that I'm totally insane. I've discussed this with one of my best friends Katie on multiple occasions. What about the word A$$ makes it so offensive that "butt" has to be substituted in place of it? Who decided that these words were inappropriate and offensive? What the F*#(@?! 
Parents can be extremely hypocritical at times. I find nothing more hilarious when the young child of parents "who swear" starts to say S#%$. How on earth can a parent yell at their child for swearing if every other word out of their moth is a "BAD Word."EVERYONE on the face of the Earth laughs when a two year-old says S#%$. Those who don't laugh that clearly have no sense of humor. And, wow, revelation; what age is it appropriate for people to start saying "inappropriate swear words?" 
I have no F$%&ing clue,

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fright Fest

I find nothing in this world, no pun intended, more entertaining than watching "Ghost Hunting" shows on T.V. Yes I know, I am an absolute freak. I absolutely love watching shows about "quests to connect with the other side"; Sylva Brown, on Montel, even fascinates me. I would like to say that I am somewhat of a skeptic, but as soon as I turn on one of these shows I am convinced that A. EVERYTHING is haunted and B. I am fully capable of contacting ghosts with sticks ( just like they do on t.v.).  
As much as I thoroughly enjoy ghost hunting television, I feel as if sometimes "The Ghostly Presence" that is felt at the sites are completely fake, or brought on my imagination. Did you ever notice that once the "physic" on the ghost hunting feels a "presence," every other member of the team automatically agrees? Here is the typical scenario:

Physic: "I feel a presence.. { Ghost Name } is that you?
Ghost Hunting Team: "Uh... yea.... uh... It is colder in here."
Ghost Hunting Team Member: " AHHH!! I just felt a cold breeze! IT JUST TOUCHED MY HAND!!!!!!"
 Me: "LAME."

Sometimes Ghost hunting and physic advising completely amazes me. Sylvia Brown, Um Hello? I sincerely believe that she is supernaturally inclined. How would she be able to build an empire on lies? I officially decided that she is the most evil woman in the world if she makes her living on telling Innocent, or stupid, people that their dead loved ones are trying to communicate via old lady. 
I'm feeling a presence therefore I'm going to go,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Letter to All Who Go Out to Eat

Dear Customers of L.A's Restaurant,
I am writing to you because I just wanted to let you know that you are the catalysts for my early death. As a hostess-turned-waitress (Which means I now am forced to laugh at your lame jokes because if I don't you will not tip me) I feel as if I can inform you of the horrible damage that you picky, selfish, complaining S.O.B.s caused to my mental stability during my hostess days.  Sometimes you honestly made me question why I even showed up to work. Why the F*#$ would you attempt to seat yourselves when you see a hostess desk as soon as you walk in the door? Honestly, have you ever been to Fridays' or Applebees, or out to dinner, ever? When in the history of dinning out were you ever allowed to seat yourself?  O yea, and when I did experience the privilege of getting you attention long enough for you to notice that I have to seat you, why would you think you allowed to switch sets once I sat you? Seriously, who do you think you are to tell me that you are not going to sit where I tell you to sit? Why would you think it would be okay to tell me this in a rude manner? Do you think I seat you in certain areas just to piss you off? We have to rotate servers!! You have no idea of the stress that you caused me when you told me that you prefer to sit in the section across form you! When I told you "yes, you can absolutely sit in that booth instead of the one right next to it" I meant "Are you FU$#^*& kidding? that messes up the entire rotation. This server is going to get double sat and I'm going to get yelled at because you are dumb!" Ugh. You make me want to vomit. I compiled a list of other things that unhinged my mental stability. We will call it "Rules for eating out"
1. DO NOT SEAT YOURSELVES (I explained this earlier)
3. Do not complain to the hostess about the service, we don't care
5. A ten minute wait means a ten minute wait, do not think that you are going to be sat any sooner
6. When you are on a wait do not go up the hostess and see "where you are in line". You will get sat, I promise
7. When a booth becomes open, don't tell me. I know a booth is open. I don't care if you see it or not.
8. Popcorn for the "bar area only" means bar area only, don't ask me for it if you are sitting in the booths
Thank You and Have a Nice Day,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Eye Heart My Group....

The best part of the group assignment is undoubtedly the members of my group. Not only do we work well together; I feel as if we share the same twisted sense of humor. I appreciate the fact that all of the group members find the name "Whore Island" both creative and hilarious. I also appreciate the fact that the class was allowed to pick the groups. There is nothing more evil and  sinister than "hand picking" groups in class. Seriously; why do teachers always pair the straight A student with the kid who is failing the class? Are they trying to ruin someones life? When Students are allowed to pick their own groups, students always produce better projects. Overall, there has not been any "worst parts" about working in out groups. The only downside is that it was somewhat difficult trying to figure out a time where everyone was available to work on the map. 
I would definitely enjoy working on another group project, but not until the end of the semester. Although the group essay is enjoyable now, I feel as if the concept of a group essay could become repetitive if the essay were assigned  back-to-back. 
Thinking about how jubilant it would be to actually live in the town we created,

After the re-write........

To be completely honest, a minor in-class spaz attack took over when that I saw that I received an 8 out of 10 on the first essay.  Although I felt as if the directions were perfectly clear, it became increasingly less difficult to stray away from the original subject matter once I began to write the essay. I decided to write about Barack Obama because I felt that an abundance of information that supported my argument would not be difficult to find. Once I began to write the paper, I quickly realized that almost too much evidence and support of my topic existed. The main problem that I had with writing the paper was that I simply could not narrow down the points that I wanted to prove. When I finally narrowed down the specific points I wanted to discuss, I seemed to have strayed away from the original purpose of the paper. Essentially, the directions did not cause difficulties in writing the paper; my inability to narrow down a broad subject matter caused trouble.
Also wishing that I wrote the original heading in MLA format,

Friday, October 3, 2008


I have to tell the world about the coolest thing that could possibly be downloaded on to a computer. I recently installed a video messaging system called Skype on my mac, and it is the best thing in the world. Skype is similar to I -Chat in the sense that users can talk to their friends via video messaging. Seriously, when I use it I feel like I'm Zenon talking to her friends that are still on the Space-sta ( Just for the record, Zenon is one of my all time favorite Disney movies. The first two were excellent films but the third Zenon movie was so horribly bad that it basically ruined my life). I feel like this could come in handy in a time where I'm beginning to forget what my friends look like.
Off to save a space station from destruction,

Comments on a not so tragic ending....

After witnessing last night's VP debates, or should I say possibly presidential debates, I was not only annoyed at a number of comments made, I found the  media's overall feelings towards the debates to be quite interesting. I want to first start by saying that the only criticism that I am going to mention about Sara Palin , for this blog at least, is that she criticized Obama for voting along party lines throughout his entire career. Um, Hello?  That is what a politician supposed to do. Yes, I know that she was trying to make that point that she would vote for anything that would improve the welfare of the American people but, and correct me if I'm wrong, when in the history of Palin's career did she vote against her party lines in order to improve the well being of the highly populated state of Alaska? Last time I checked, everyone, especially the people of Alaska, liked the polar bear.
What interested me the most about last night's debates was the media's post comments on the event. Basically, the entire nation tuned in to watch a train wreck take place. News  stations seemed to be prepared to cover all the mistakes that were supposed to be made, but were not prepared to witness an "uneventful" debate take place. I felt as if the American public was disappointed in both candidates because no one crashed and burned. Why do we love tragedy? I  have to admit, a complete breakdown of either candidate, preferably the candidate who has something against the furry white snow mammals that populate cold areas,  would have made excellent television. 
Off to fill my brain with tragic events taking place on The Hills,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just an update.........

OK so I just read a number of the blogs that I wrote in the last two weeks and I decided that an update on my current situation is not only necessary but essential in making me not look like I'm crazy. For starters, my friend Amanda is not and never was and active member of the Penn State Harry Potter club. Upon arriving to the school, she signed up for the club but then decided not to participate once she saw the type of people that she would be "clubbing" with. Amanda does not think that she is really a wizard so therefore decided that joining the club would have not been a good idea. I still haven't started Rant, but I am almost finished with Fourth Comings. MEGAN McCAFFERTY IS WRITING PERFECT FIFTHS, the last book in the Sloppy Series! I almost passed out when I realized that one more book is coming out. :) O YEA! I  didn't fail my Biology test like I originally thought. Being the ultimate spaz that I am, the B that I received on the test will bother me all semester. I finally memorized my school ID number and I will not be needing my cousin's ID number to access the school Internet anymore. Overall, I had a productive week.
Retrospectively yours,

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

American Food?

The discussion on American identity in class last week made me realize something rather strange. Not only can Americans identify themselves as a mixture of races; American food can be labeled as a "mixed race" or a fusion of two cultures. I completed a list of culturally labeled food items.
1.  Swedish Fish - Swedish name, but what is Swedish about these aquatic red candies? 
2. English muffin- Do the British enjoy these with tea?
3. Italian Ice- This is made in America and Italy. Do the Italians just call this semi-ice cream treat ice?
4. Chinese Food- I feel as if the Chinese food in America taste nothing like the food made in China. 
Hungry (both a country and an adjective),