Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Picture says 1000 words...

I have a friend that attends University of Alaska at Fairbanks,so naturally the facebook pictures that I see of the area are pretty freaking sweet. As I was facebook stalking the other night, I came across something that might be unusual to an abundance of people living in Alaska; it was a house. This house wasn't just any old house, this house was somewhat nice looking compared to most of the igloos, snow caves, and shacks that exist in the frozen tundra that we call a state. I was horrified at what I saw next. The caption beneath the picture read "Sara Palin's house." I couldn't believe it. My crazy Alaskan wanna be friend actually took a trip off campus to visit the Ice Queen's house. Now I haven't got in contact with this person to make sure that he wasn't just lying, and by contact I mean comment "WTF" beneath the picture, but how many people in Alaska actually own a nice house? This was a mansion that was built next to a beautiful frozen lake. No wonder she is a republican; if Obama gets elected,  the "tax increase" on her property would only allow her to build only one bowling alley in her mansion, instead of two. [growls]. 
As I begin to really think about the picture, I am slowly convincing myself that the house on facebook really doesn't belong to the abominable snow lady that we call a VP candidate. I mean, Scott had to be extremely close to the house, basically on the property, in order to take the picture. Where is the armed security that is prepared to kill anyone trying to intrude? Where are the sled dogs ready to attack? Then I remember, NO ONE LIVES IN ALASKA. 
I can't wait to vote,

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