Friday, October 10, 2008

Fright Fest

I find nothing in this world, no pun intended, more entertaining than watching "Ghost Hunting" shows on T.V. Yes I know, I am an absolute freak. I absolutely love watching shows about "quests to connect with the other side"; Sylva Brown, on Montel, even fascinates me. I would like to say that I am somewhat of a skeptic, but as soon as I turn on one of these shows I am convinced that A. EVERYTHING is haunted and B. I am fully capable of contacting ghosts with sticks ( just like they do on t.v.).  
As much as I thoroughly enjoy ghost hunting television, I feel as if sometimes "The Ghostly Presence" that is felt at the sites are completely fake, or brought on my imagination. Did you ever notice that once the "physic" on the ghost hunting feels a "presence," every other member of the team automatically agrees? Here is the typical scenario:

Physic: "I feel a presence.. { Ghost Name } is that you?
Ghost Hunting Team: "Uh... yea.... uh... It is colder in here."
Ghost Hunting Team Member: " AHHH!! I just felt a cold breeze! IT JUST TOUCHED MY HAND!!!!!!"
 Me: "LAME."

Sometimes Ghost hunting and physic advising completely amazes me. Sylvia Brown, Um Hello? I sincerely believe that she is supernaturally inclined. How would she be able to build an empire on lies? I officially decided that she is the most evil woman in the world if she makes her living on telling Innocent, or stupid, people that their dead loved ones are trying to communicate via old lady. 
I'm feeling a presence therefore I'm going to go,

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