Monday, October 20, 2008

The most frustrating thing about attending college..

The most frustrating thing about attending college, OCC in particular, is that an abundance of people think that community college is equvielant to "taking the easy way out." If i had a dollar for every time I heard a fellow classmate say "I'm going to OCC because its easier," I could, at the moment, afford to attend a four-year school. What is easier about OCC? Its still college! I'm still overwhelmed and worried about the same stupid thigns that I was worried about in high school; ie getting into college. I'm still srtessing out because I'm trying my absloute harest and sometimes I still don't get A's. I'm still wlaking up every morning and drivng to school after hours of homeowork from the night before. My main reason for not wanting to attend OCC was because I feel as if missing out on a crucial part of school by not going away and living in a dorm. I never expected community college to be easier than a four-year institution.
Another frustrating element about school is the lack of school spirit. I am aware that school spirit does exist somewhere within the campus, but the paint-your-face,wear school colors, chase the mascot around, school spirit does not exist at OCC. I was not expecting this type of school spirt to exist on campus because dorms do not exist on campus, but I still can't get enough of the tailgate "hard core" school spirit. I did not know that OCC had a mascot until the second week of school! 
Go .......... Vikings? 

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