Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A series of unfortunate events...

Being the sometimes "unmotivated person that I am, I dread an abundance of things. On certain days, the thought of going to classes sends shivers down my spine. Sometimes I dread putting on normal clothes to go to school ( FYI; one day I'm just going to snap and wear PJ's to school). I also dread the sight of anything to do with Long Beach Island Apparel ( long story). 
Despite the abundance of "dread" that sometimes occupies my life,  one particular obligation that stood out as most dreadful was high school graduation practice. Yes, I wanted to spend my last few days of high school waking up at 7:00 am in order to be at school so the graduating class class could stand in the heat for hours and practice sitting. If a student did not attend the three days of practice, he or she could not graduate. If a student was late to graduation, he of she could not graduate. Practice was nothing short of grueling and a pain in the A$$. It must of took forty five minutes for all five hundred seniors to learn to sit simultaneously. I can distinctly remember advisers and teachers saying, "we practice the ceremony and have strict rules so Southern Regional can have a graduation that competes with other schools." Why? I was unaware that schools competed to have the best exit.
The most frustrating thing about the entire process was that on the night of graduation,  a storm rolled into town and the school had to cut the ceremony short. 
I never want to sit and stand repeatedly again,

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