Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sometimes I hate the news

I saw the most asinine thing on the news this morning. Seriously this almost made me question my career choice; yes I almost dropped out of school and decided to be a waitress for the rest of my life because of this particular segment. This poor reporter was sent to the to report on the "improvement" made in the stock market. The segment took place on the trading room floor and involved a young reporter and what I am guessing what was an overly tanned, overly botoxed, overly old and boring, stock broker or expert. I was too tired and too mesmerized by the abnormal looks of this man to actually remember what the segment was specifically about, but I know for a fact that it ended in the reporter asking the broker where he fell on the "hope meter." Seriously, a hope meter popped up in the bottom of the screen. Hope Meter? Hope meter for what ? The United States? The stock market? Seriously if reporters need a hope meter to measure the "hopefulness" of the future bankers of the United States, WE ARE DOOMED. Here is the conversation:
Reporter:  So with the stock market on the rise, where do you lie on the hope meter?
Botox: Five
My hope meter is negative one,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't deal either. ::growl::